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The adventure begins

While back home in Czech, perplexed authorities demonized us, in Western block countries this story exploded upon a public like an atomic bomb and became instant media sensation. At least in Europe, tension in Middle East, the biggest drug bust, terrorists or gun runners didn’t get better coverage than this story. In Austria, and in Germany, we were just as shocking and observed as is the Ukraine conflict today. We were called: “The Young James Bonds of Eastern Europe.” In oppressed countries; as well as in the free world, we gained legions of fans, constantly wanting to hear more riveting details of this amazing accomplishment. As a result, our exotic escape story kept stealing the headlines of major magazines and newspapers even many months after. Some of the U.S. media such as L.A. Times, Boston Globe and Chicago Tribune noticed this truly unique triumph of a human spirit as well.

Now, after all those years, this time from exciting Las Vegas, I am offering the readers to share all the details of my one of a kind “Supermax” unauthorized exit strategy, in which you find not only a unique piece of Cold War history, but also suspense, humor, Czech beer drinking pub scenes, adventure, and a lot of intellectually stimulating material. My self made pulley is on display in Checkpoint Charlie (Museum of Escapes), in Berlin, Germany. In my book and in the photo gallery that’s on the bottom of this page, you can see the latest photos from my visit in October 2013.

I hope I peaked your interest, and I also want to encourage you to sample my autobiography which is on Feel free to check out my YouTube video, if you like my site, please Tweet obout it, and I also hope that to you, my story will be a reminder of just how precious freedom is, as much as it can be an entertaining eye opener.

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